Please, protect our children in Europa against free online porn!
Too many children (ages 7 and up) regularly see free online PORN!
Children between the ages of 7 and 12 see free online PORN too often! I have had conversations with young people who became porn addicts from the age of 10. But in march 2025 I have interviewd an 17 years old teenager, he told me in front of the cameraman of the Dutch Newspaper Telegraaf: 'I was porn adicted from age of 6 years!!!
In high school you no longer fit in if you don't watch porn! And the consequences are very serious! Free PORN is also watched during school hours. And by this I mean from primary school onwards. But children also secretly watch porn on the street or while playing with friends. In 2018, I told politicians with whom I had regular contact about the enormous sexualization of our society and the harmful consequences for our children. I wanted to launch a National PORN filter in the Netherlands against free online PORN to protect our children up to 18 years old.
Politicians recognized the serious problem, but Dilan Yesilgoz said: 'It is not ower job...'
Meanwhile, Macron, the President of France, is busy launching a National PORN filter for minors
as he considers it a great necessity. Also England want to protect children against free online porn.
Today's PORN movies have become violent: choking sex, rape sex, child porn, teenage porn...
Even the so-called 'normal' PORN is not suitable for children's eyes! It causes major problems in the children's brain. They also have been discovered that watching PORN actually promotes sexual misconduct. Girls and women are increasingly seen as PLEASURE OBJECTS and children and young people become addicted at an early age.
In addition, children and young people who regularly watch PORN will have a much more negative image of girls and women than children and young people who do not watch PORN. It also causes other (serious) problems in the Love Relationships they enter into (in the future). It's 1 to 12! PORN is harmful to children and young people! Just like Smoking and Drinking, but in a different emotional guise!
That is why I want to collect a huge number of signatures, so that the whole of Europe will opt for a NATIONAL PORN FILTER for minors!
Will you also help protect our children and young people from free online porn? Let's create more awareness, love and respect in our society. Let children be children again. And sign this petition.
Many thanks!
The Messenger
Lisa Staal
Girls of age 10 sign: 'I do not want to see free online porn anymore! Protect us, please!