Lee Moet Blijven!


/ #54 How could they??

2014-02-04 19:26

How dare the USA try tracking down one person they don't know anything of!!
As well the fact that he is only 24, how could he possibly be guilty in a war that ended 38 years ago!?
Even if it was not about the war, but about the leaking of secrets, people should protect that stuff more, if it leaks, its your own fault. What if no one may know the secret? DESTROY THE INFO.
First of all, I just heard this from tv a few minutes ago, and Im like, wtf, guys, don't u have anything else to do?? You have enough free time to look up your history, but not think about improving the wealth in your country? Like help refugees or poor people, if you don't get my feels, go darnit read a book like Little Bee/The Other Hand, you won't be able to judge a person without knowing his or her story, this is simply retarded.

Other than that, I haven't read the propf yet, but will be sure to that, I have a feeling they speak the truth. (I will read it to be sure)
I'm a 16 year old and I would dare protest against these people who want to arrest him, as long as they aren't gonna kill me, like some guys did in our worlds history,, though I dont remember who. And even if there was a chance, though that chance is small, he did something bad, WE FINALLY HAVE SOME PEACE, keep it that way, forgive people and give second chances, like in "Karel ende Elegast", yes that's Dutch, just one of the reasons I love this country.

Bye, gonna go back to school work, I love sharing my mind, sorry man.