Aanlijn- en muilkorfplicht en fokverbod gevaarlijke honden.


/ #251

2014-02-13 18:43

The Australian Veterinary Association does not believe that breed based approaches reduce
public risk. The Australian Veterinary Association is opposed to breed-based dog control
measures because the evidence shows that they do not and cannot work. National
veterinary associations of Britain, the United States and Canada, and major animal welfare
organisations internationally also hold this view.
The failure of breed-specific legislation to prevent dog attacks is due to a number of factors.
 Firstly, breed on its own is not an effective indicator or predictor of aggression in
 Secondly, it is not possible to precisely determine the breed of the types of dogs
targeted by breed-specific legislation by appearance or by DNA analysis.
 Thirdly, the number of animals that would need to be removed from a community to
have a meaningful impact on hospital admissions is so high that the removal of any
one breed would have negligible impact.
 Finally, breed-specific legislation ignores the human element whereby dog owners
who desire this kind of dog will simply substitute another breed of dog of similar size,
strength and perception of aggressive tendencies.