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/ #404

2011-07-27 13:03

We escaped a great danger: they wanted to start the attack in autumn 2011, even against our children "preventively" . (and of course they do not mention with a word any side (main) effects: this kind of products that switch off the pleasure center in brains usally lead to suicides, murders, street rage and school shootings) http://prescriptions.blogs.nyt​​g-vaccine-fails-in-late-trial/ The point is not whether it "works" or not the point is, the point is that the ONLY aim of tobacco prohibition and Big Pharma is to switch all healthy persons and children on their deadly pills and vaccines. WAKE UP" and visit FB Group: Smokers Rights - Ban ZYBAN - Forbid CHAMPIX and the anti-smokers vaccines". FB: Vaccines kill; the truth about vaccines ; Stop mass vaccinations in Canada ; No vaccines for me ; Inside vaccines; Informed citizens against vaccinations ; dr mercola ; Universal of resistance to mandatory vaccinations; etc... etc... And AUSTRIAN SMOKERS RIGHTS Movement : (click onto the UK Flag) STOP THIS MASS MURDER.