Start Giro 555 en Help Bosnië en Servië! (Natuurramp)


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2014-05-18 14:39

Europe is united in support of Serbia! Within 24 hours of the 14 countries of the European Union responded to the call for help. Germany, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Austria, Czech Republic, France, Croatia, Lithuania and Estonia were sent boats, pumps and rescuers.
Slovenia, Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Slovakia, Belgium and Germany have sent helicopters and boats, as well as water, food and medicine.
More help is on the way. EU experts assist in the rescue and rehabilitation of damage!
THANK YOU EUROPE, SERBIA WOULD NEVER FORGET HVALA Thank you, Danke, Gracie, Köszönöm, Takk, Mercy, благодаря, σας ευχαριστώ, Gracias!