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2014-07-27 13:06

The moral debt of the West with Israel
BY Jaime Gutiérrez Góngora - Argentine Newspaper La Nacion.

There are very few who tie ropes with respect to the current world scene. The vast majority, including prominent political leaders, unable to decipher what have in common what is happening in Mali, Somalia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran and Europe itself in relation to their own national and personal security.
Islam and Christianity. In 1996, Samuel Huntington published his famous book the clash of civilizations and the Remaking of world order, in which the Professor of history at Harvard tied ropes. He said: "20th century conflict between liberal democracy and Marxism-Leninism is not more than an ephemeral and superficial historical phenomenon, compared to the deeply troubled and sustained relationship between islam and Christianity".

Huntington added that Arab and Muslim youth was the troop's clash of a new radicalism that was spreading from the borders of the Islamic world to other non-Muslim societies. "Instead of being Westernized their societies," said, "the Islamic lands have developed a consensus in favor of islamize modernism". Or end with Western society. And in that they are fundamentalists.
Many intellectuals in the West believe that islam is a religion. Certainly it is one of the great religions of the world. But in its essence islam is a political ideology.

Hizbut Tahrir is an enigmatic global Islamist movement more dangerous than openly terrorist groups. This movement is active in 45 Nations and actively strives to bring together all the Muslim countries. It is a growing global block based on Sharia law and governed by a global Caliphate.
Already a dramatic first step has given in that direction. During the civil war in Syria was the organization called "State Islamic of Iraq and the Levant". Its current leader, Bakr al - Baghdadi, said, in 2014, its sovereignty over Iraq and Syria, declared "Caliph ibrahim of the Islamic State".

These rebel jihadists launched a dazzling in Iraq offensive on June 9, already have taken over large areas of its territory, and currently moving towards the capital, Baghdad. The Caliphate promised, and ignored by the West, is in the process of consolidation.
Islamization of Western civilization is ahead. There will be a Muslim majority in Europe by the end of this century. The Centre for Social Cohesion in great Bretain reports that one-third of British Muslim students are in favor of a global Caliphate. We can be in the final stages of the Islamization of Europe.

However, Israel is what is hindering the project of the Islamic onslaught. This threat has found the rest of the West, the 'international community' and the UN in crisis: in the chaos of moral relativism and a philosophical nihilism that has weakened its spiritual fiber by his addiction to material delights and its denial of the Biological Defense duty. They are left in the hands of Israel and United States Defense of Judeo-Christian civilization.

Currently, Israel is being attacked by the terrorist organization Hamas, which controls Gaza, and already his rockets reached Israel's major cities. However, this war is not only against Israel. It is a war against the West, with a special feature: the end of Israel would mean that fundamentalist islam would have won the final battle for control of the world, as he predicted Huntington. If they can conquer Israel, can conquer it all.

First line of Defense. The common thing the Western world has with Israel is the need to protect our common liberties. Everyone in the West, we have the moral obligation to be its custodians. Israel is the first line of Defense for West. Thank God, it is not victim of moral relativism. When attacked, Israel defends itself. They know that defense is not a right given by an UN bureaucrat, but a biological duty in defense of his people and of the Judaeo-Christian civilization.

Israel also deserves our support because it is the country of the Jews after 2,000 years of exile. I don't need another reason. But, if someone can not support it by this fact, then support it because it is the bulwark of our liberties in the struggle against Islamic oppression. Support it, because it is fighting the battle for the survival of Western civilization. They are receiving the clashes that are aimed at all of us.
This is a huge moral debt of the Western civilization with Israel.