Eis het ontslag van Jozias van Aartsen


/ #3627 Re: Stop de Jodenhaat

2014-07-29 09:12

“Death to the Jews” chanted the crowd waving the black flags of the Islamic State, or ISIS as it used to be known. They were looking for new supporters for their cause, the creation of a worldwide caliphate answering to the man who now calls himself Ibrahim: a zealot too radical even for Al Qaeda who has stormed through Syria and Iraq carrying out mass executions, crucifying rivals, beheading enemies. But these marchers were not in Syria or Iraq; they were in The Hague in The Netherlands. And their message was one tailored to the disaffected young descendants of Muslim immigrants in Europe.

“We are Moroccans,” went out the cry over a portable loudspeaker. "The French killed the Moroccans but they didn’t kill them all; the grandchildren of the few men left protest against the West, America and the Jews.”


En dan zijn er geen grenzen overtreden heer Van Aartsen? U had deze Jodenhaat openlijk voor alle camera’s moeten veroordelen. U bent een lafaard. U verschuilt zich achter het O.M. en laat een woordvoerder een flut mail uitsturen met een politiek correct antwoord. Schaamt u zich!

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