Geen asielzoekers opvang in Centrum Breda


/ #826 Het is wachten op cultuurverrijking door de alleenstaande eritreers en somaliers

2014-12-03 14:16

28-11-2014: Bristol child sex gang: seven Somali men jailed for grooming and raping underage girls

The gang of seven, aged between 18 and 22, told their victims it was their 'culture and tradition' to be raped and shared for sex

Seven Somali men who groomed and raped vulnerable underage girls and passed one victim around at a "sex party" have been jailed.

A judge told the ringleader of the gang: "You were merciless - and you can expect no mercy from me."

Said Zakaria, 22, was jailed for 11 years for organising a "sex party" at a hotel where one 13-year-old girl was raped four times by three different men.

The gang join six fellow Somali men already in jail following an earlier trial for similar sex offences against other girls.

In total 13 Somali men have now been jailed for a total of 115 and a half years.

Bristol Crown Court heard how the seven - aged between 18 and 22 - told their victims it was their "culture and tradition" to be raped and shared for sex.


"You behaved without humanity, and simply took what you wanted, leaving your victim totally humiliated.

"You were merciless and you can expect no mercy from me - nor shall you receive any."