Ik ben een vluchteling in mijn eigen land
Robin H |
/ #19 Change starts by doing something about a problem, not talking about a problem!2015-11-02 09:03Elektrohypersensitivity needs to be recognized. We don't ask for radical short term world change (although that would be nice) but for now just white zones, shielded houses and shielded working places for EHS people to live a normal life.This is realistic. There are no real burdons that prevent this solution from being possible. Just like companies should not have the right to pollute the air with aggressive chemicals they also should not have the right to pollute the air with electromagnetic waves from which the long term impact is already proven "unknown" and certainly proven hazardous to some people.But many countries still have air pollution as a #1 problem (China, India) so I'm really skeptic weather something even more invisible like the effects of electromagnetic radiation will be recognized soon. The whole problem with most problems is not the lack of solutions but the lack of flexibility from most people. The energy crisis is fake. It could be solved overnight if countries would really work together and put aside their own interests and make common interests the #1 priority. The same goes for EHS. There are plenty of solutions but governments and the supposed help-groups should start doing things rather than just talking about them. But they all wait for someone else to invent the wheel and doing all the hard work. They only want to call someone to apply the solution but what if there is no-one to call? Then they should start "doing" something themselves.Also a lot of people expect EHS people do solve their own problems. How can you expect an elektrohypersensitive person to create low radiation envirment in a high radiation enviroment? That makes no sense? It's like expecting a peron that needs a wheelchair to walk to the wheelchair company. IT DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE!This solution was only valid until 2003. Since 3G the only solution is third parties creatnig the low radiation enviroment. But according to my own experience a lot of people consider this to be an utopic desire. and therefore create their own believe or even religion that every problem is a problem you can solve yourself. Not because it's true, but because then everyone can outsource their own responsibility. And that 's the problem. If everyone only keeps worrying about their own A$$ than nothing will change and there is nothing to do.
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