Marc Dullaert moet blijven als Kinderombudsman


/ #7350

2016-02-20 22:28

All praise to the KinderOmbudsman Marc Dullaert! He MUST STAY ON!!! His work is tremendously important for ALL the children and their Human Rights! On January 2016 Marc Dullaert announced that he will take on Jasmijn’s case! On behalf of Jasmijn and the 185 children who get deported from The Netherlands every year as well as their primary caregiving parents (mostly Protective Mothers), I would like to thank Kinderombudsman Marc Dullaert for his willingness to listen and seek solutions. The severe Human Rights violations that were inflicted upon Jasmijn, her maternal family and myself will not have been in vain if other children in Jasmijn’s situation are saved from such horrendous fate. May the proposed solutions be implemented in an expedited manner so that The Netherlands can lead the way for other nations in the fight against global court-ordered child trafficking.

Together with thousands of Protective Mothers and children worldwide I applaud Kinderombudsman Marc Dullaert.
