Red het bos bij de Kalmthoutse Heide


/ #724 There are mistakes in the take up...Apologies!

2011-11-06 16:59

As a native English speaker living in Holland....I have been continually horrified by the continuing abuse of beautiful countryside for reasons of greed and profit..The time has arrived a long while ago where we need to understand that out lives and well being are wholly linked to the well-being and health of nature....We continue to exploit and abuse not only to our own detriment but to the generations to come..We are in effect robbing nature and the earth of that which can only be shared and not taken by selfish individuals...Sustainability only must be learned...We are programmed to think in terms of "growth"" or "development"in false terms...In nature there is no "growth"as we think of it only change...This change is always harmonious and balance is always the outcome...This is one great lesson we must all learn very quickly...Our culture driven by commerce with political and financial deals must end!....No to this and no to all other such "arrangements"...This limited conciousness must end!..Tony Bennion Hoogerheide