Petitie tegen wetsvoorstel 'verwarde personen' Edith Schippers


/ #732

2016-10-25 18:21

After living here for many years my life is now completly destroyed.As a caretaker for an other who is ill now under conditions no house, no income, removed from BRP, and finaly have the health insurance removed.Both are having to launch by a third person .It is unreal how this country being governed and how the people are allowing such to continue.Myself have been following Shippers surreal activity.As well as the Ministrie of Binnenlandse zaken "Operation BRP"
Had the feeling if lot is being tested out on me and on the friend I care for.Can not get myself to go to the Gemeente again,to ask to be registered.I feel they immidietly will see me as a confused people.Have been having to face the fact that these amtenars will no problem have me one of these pills since the last three years they refuse to make aviable more than 20 thousend euros.Euros they from the EU have recieved .For to give EU citizens like me ,when in need...Only was planning to have a quiet life.Few friends,doing things that feel right,being kind to others,and not end up excluded .We both are terrified that we will end up dead in this country...Had no idea this type of darkness does exist.In this multicultural "" samen leven.