Petitie tegen de stopzetting van de 6 meertalige onderwijsproject
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#122011-05-15 23:05Por qué conocer Español, Italiano o Turco? Pueden haber muchas respuestas a esta pregunta... Como padres de dos niñas que forman parte del proyecto de Español podemos decir que es 'Sumamente importante' para nosotros. No se trata de un capricho, ni de solamente un deseo. Se trata de que nuestras hijas conserven nuestra identidad, nuestras raices, integrandose a la vez a la sociedad Belga donde viven y crecerán. Bélgica es un país lleno de ciudadanos generosos que nos ha abierto a todos sus puertas y es por eso que deseamos permanecer en esta sociedad y luchar hombro a hombro con ellos para hacerla crecer y caminar bien. Es de esa manera que queremos educar a nuestras hijas, que sepan que todo lo bueno hay que ganárselo, hay que trabajarlo, nada es gratis en la vida, pero es importantísimo que conserven siempre sus raíces para que sepan siempre cuáles son sus metas. "Necesitamos el Proyecto Bicultural", es muy productivo para la educación de nuestras hijas. Necesitamos seguir contando con el apoyo del Ministerio de Educación Belga para que éste proyecto tan productivo se mantenga vivo. Gracias. -------------- Why learn Spanish, Italian or Turkish? There can be a lot of answers for this question... We're parents of two girls being part of the Spanish pryect and we can say that is "Very Important" for us. It is not just a desire. It is about the reason that our daughters preserve our identity, our roots, and at the same time continue their integration in the Belgium society where they live and will grow. Belgium is a country full of kind citizens that had opened their doors to all of us and is because of this that we wish to stay in this society and work together with them to see it grow. Is in this way that we want to educate our daughters, so they know that we have to work to gain every good thing in the life, they have to work for it, nothink is for free, but is very important they keep always their roots so they can know which are their goals. "We need the Bicultural Project", it is very productive for the education of our children. We need to keep the Belgian Education Ministry support so this very productive project stay alive. Thank you. |
GP |
#129 Re:2011-05-20 16:23:30Deze stelling overtuigt mij niet. De kinderen van mijn zus worden in het Nederlands opgevoed en volgen Spaanse les buiten de schooluren. Dat maakt van hen zonder probleem uitstekende tweetaligen. Ik waardeer de bereidheid om Nederlands te leren - de kinderen, dan toch - maar als dat slechts puur functioneel is, zie ik inderdaad niet in waarom daar geld in moet worden gestoken. |
Maria |
#226 Re: Bicultural yes, but than for everyone!2011-06-05 12:53:00Now, I do not understand such a fuss about stoping this project! It takes a lot of money that could be spent on regular eduction of all the children in Belgium! My children have heard/spoken three languages from their first day and not in school but at home. I have decided to leave my country for whatever reasons I might have, it is not up to my host country to maintain my cultural roots! First of all, the children of well educated parents will always speak their mother/father tongue properly, no matter what project this country offers. The others would not be able to go further with eductiona in their own country either!!! Those whose parents are not educated (enough) do not get a chance. That's it. Cruel but true! Look around you, how many Flemish/Walloon families from "lower classes" don't seee their kids get through technical or general high school? They don't even manage to learn a profession (plumber or similar) because their parents aither have no school or are just of a poor intellectual capacity. Who helps them???? And last, but not least, why not than investing in Arabic education, Greek, Russian..... etc???? Why only Spanish, Italian of Turkish???? I am sorry if this is offensing anyone, but this is life! Some people do have children even though they cannot offer them any (educational) support. Those children would not have a big chance anywhere in the world, but I gues will have at least some love from their parents. If all those people stayed in their countries, what school would the kids go to? |
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