
Quoted post

Disgusted of Zilverbeekdreef

#1 Open Poelweg

2013-11-24 20:37

I am a professional traffic engineer (Fellow of the UK Chartered Institute of Highways & Transportation), living in Zilverbeek, Maleizen. As a very frequent user of Junction 3 of the E411, my family and I have been immediately affected by this new temporary measure. To get to the motorway in the morning now means losing 10 minutes or more standing in the queue at the Maleizen traffic light, whose timing has not been adapted to the heavy new demand from drivers previously using Poelweg directly. My children attend school near Delta, their bus now has to wait for the light and this adds also 10 minutes at least to their morning journey; either their bus will need to leave before 7h00 in the morning or they will be late to school every day. The DeLijn bus 343 to Maleizen EEG will also be delayed by the same amount. Observing the light today, the phase on the arm La Hulpe-Overijse has around 50% more green time than the arm Hoeilaart-Rosieres. Poelweg is not a "rat-run", as it is recognised as principal road (see priority at junction with Rozierensesteenweg.) The many signs at the junction Terhulpsesteenweg-Poelweg indicate also that this is the primary road to Genval, Schweppes etc. The immediate effect of this poorly-designed measure is greatly to increase the time lost by residents and businesses that used to use Poelweg; to increase traffic noise and air pollution for all residents & businesses along the affected stretch of Rozierensesteenweg; and greatly to increase CO2 emissions. May I point out also the businesses in Maleizen (and Overijse) that will lose customers due to the new difficulty of access - e.g. the service stations, garages, bakery, traiteur, pharmacy, cafes, etc. I for one will be turning to Wavre, Genval etc. for my services, rather than wasting my time and money in a queue to get to Maleizen and Overijse. As resident of the commune, seriously inconvenienced by this idiotic measure, I wish to complain in the strongest terms at the lack of information or consultation before the closure of Poelweg, that seems to favour a tiny handful of Poelweg residents, while causing major time losses and inconvenience for thousands of other residents of Overijse and neighbouring communes.



#2 Re: Open Poelweg

2013-11-24 20:57:28

#1: Disgusted of Zilverbeekdreef - Open Poelweg

Many thanks for your comments and for supporting the petition.  We will pass them along with the outcomes of the petition.  Please support our action by informing your neighbours about the petition, as well as shops and businesses in Maleizen and Overijse who will indeed suffer indirectly from this measure.