Eis het ontslag van Jozias van Aartsen
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#7274 Re: Why Muslims Hate Terrorism More2014-08-13 06:59My dear friend, there are at least two sentences in your contribution that make me feel -at least- scared, if not outraged. Let's start with the first:
"but the reality is that over the past five years, close to 90 percent of the victims of these “Islamic” terrorists are Muslims. ISIS even killed a Muslim professor in Iraq whopublicly opposed the group’s hounding of Christians. Denounce them? I need to be protected from them."
Why, do you think that this would make ANY difference in a Westerner's view of ISIS? Since they really kill 90% of muslim civilians we would have less reasons to protest against it? We would feel less outraged? You are sick in you mind! You are applying to me the same standard of judgment that you use yourself! If Christians are slaughtered, or Jews, ah, not so bad. But WE DON"T THINK LIKE YOU. You are disclosing your prejudices!
"ISIS even killed a Muslim professor in Iraq who publicly opposed their hounding of Christians. Denounce them? I need to be protected by them"
Shame on you! It's You, just the people who have a rotten thinking like this who are our problem in the west. We are outraged that a professor has to pay with his life for saying what he thinks! We speak up, we find it unacceptable, we revolt against it. Why don't you make a contribution here saying: "I SAW IT, we are utterly lost in Iraq, in Syria, in Gaza", we thrive on horrors, killing, blood, terrorism. When terrorsits kill 3500 people WE CELEBRATE for happiness. When three Jewish kids are slaughtered we distribute candies and sweets and Gaza and make a party....We are lost! Why don;t you say this?
And now the second concept: Listen, listen: "100 Imams in the UK have condemned ISIS".
Really? My oh my, I can't believe what I hear: " "as much as" 100 people have spoken out. Oh, yes, now I can die happy!
SO tell me, mr. my friend the thousands that rioted in PAris with the ISIS flags and molotov cocktails, those who paraded in New York, In Los Angeles, in Washington chanting to kill the Jews, those who upset Manchester and London screaming "Allahu Akbar, kill the Jews"and those who make trouble in The Hague sporting the ISIS flags and apparel, HOW MANY ARE THEM? hundred or more?
So, what you are trying to tell me now is that I have to be content with the 100 imamas who condemned ISIS and IGNORE those who march with the ISIS flagts UNDER MY HOUSE screwing "all the jews to the gas????" You are a hypocrite! You are denying facts and would like to sweep me into your numb of ignorance, hypocricy, and utter stupidity. If you don't want to show so obviously your lack of critical thinking I think you better think more and talk less. You have not impressed me, on the contrary, you have confirmed me that something queer has happened to the world! |
Gast |
#7278 Re: Re: Why Muslims Hate Terrorism More2014-08-13 09:04:13#7274: - Re: Why Muslims Hate Terrorism More First of all, dude, I'm not the author of the article. I handed you the hyperlink to the website from where this text was taken. Secondly, if you do claim to be concerned for the victim, regardless of race, religion, pedigree or whatever, then you are the one kidding yourself. You are the one who holds ALL muslims accountable for the crimes committed by ISIS. You are the one ready to deport ALL muslims from your country, because of the crimes committed by ISIS. Thirdly, you can belittle the condemnation of ISIS by 100 imams in the UK if you please, but do not err in your preconception that 1 imam stands for 1 people. An imam is the spokesman for all of his congregation, or whatever this is called in islam. 1 Imam may well represent a thousand or more people. Besides that, imams all over the world, even in your country, have clearly stated that the ISIS is to be condemned and is contrary to the islamic faith. Fourthly, perhaps if you had proper knowledge of the English language you wouldn't have misread as much as you did. |
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