vluchtelingen ook welkom in Delft

Quoted post


#74 Re:

2015-10-24 20:48

#3: -  

Bedoel je daar ook die profiteurs mee die hier komen omdat hier alles kan, alles mag en alles gratis is. Ja GRATIS! Behalve voor het eigen volk dan he! die betalen zich blauw, en moeten nog meer gaan betalen om die ruifvreters te onderhouden. Delft is failliet dankzij ons " fantastische" gemeentelijke bestuur. De Delftenaren moeten hiervoor financieel bloeden. Geen kerstboom meer op de markt, geen ijsbaan meer, festivals niet meer gratis, geen kinderboerderijen meer, schandalig hoge OZB etc etc. Maar nu is er ineens wel geld voor vluchtelingen, die alles gratis krijgen. Slaap lekker verder heilige samaritanen. Het interesseert Verkerk ook geen flikker wat er met Delft gebeurt want die hoepelt straks op. Bedankt he! Verkerk, waardeloze burgermeester!




#83 Re: Re:

2015-10-25 04:00:49

#74: - Re:  

ur sucha scarcity minded selfish individual. only slackers act like u and think like u.. if you actually worked hard u wouldnt be bitchin' bout some desperate refugees seeking asylum here. ur the same foreigner-hating low ambition complaining bunch who claim foreigners are taking all your jobs and your money. You dont even know that many of these people are skilled and educated people who speak better english than you possibly. Theyre not all loafers  and for u to think so shows the sad reality about your dangerously corrupt brain. Consider travelling abroad living somewhere else, to fix ur low conservative and poor judgements. we live in a fkn world, i bet ud not expect ppl in other countries to be such regressively useless stingy selfish weaklings like urself if and when say Netherlands was to be flooded with rising sea levels and U had to flee to their country!
Yeah you a-hole I m sure you didn't think about it like that! 



#84 Re: Re:

2015-10-25 04:02:46

#74: - Re:  

 ur sucha scarcity minded selfish individual. only slackers act like u and think like u.. if you actually worked hard u wouldnt be bitchin' bout some desperate refugees seeking asylum here. ur the same foreigner-hating low ambition complaining bunch who claim foreigners are taking all your jobs and your money. You dont even know that many of these people are skilled and educated people who speak better english than you possibly. Theyre not all loafers  and for u to think so shows the sad reality about your dangerously corrupt brain. Consider travelling abroad living somewhere else, to fix ur low conservative and poor judgements. we live in a fkn world, i bet ud not expect ppl in other countries to be such regressively useless stingy selfish weaklings like urself if and when say Netherlands was to be flooded with rising sea levels and U had to flee to their country!
Yeah you a-hole I m sure you didn't think about it like that!