Laundry room Xior Ritsumastraat

We, the undersigned residents of Xior Ritsumastraat, often cannot use a washing machine when we need to. At the moment, there are 3 washing machines for 150+ residents. This means that each machine is shared by about 50 people. Additionally, since the machines sometimes break down, we occasionally have only 2 machines available for all residents. Currently, we are all paying €15 per month for the use of these machines, but due to their frequent use, we often cannot wash our clothes when we want to.

We, the undersigned residents of Xior Ritsumastraat, demand at least 1 additional washing machine and 1 additional dryer. We believe we are entitled to this because the costs for their use are mandatory and we don’t get provided where we pay for.

The residents of Xior Ritsumastraat    Neem contact op met de schrijver van de petitie

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