International representation in CMR
I agree fully with the text in the petition.Moniek Compaan-Hurkens (Maastricht, 2025-01-22)
I completely agree with above statement!This is not in line with the vision of the Zuyd University and ashamed that this democratic chosen student is now excluded due to language reasoning.
Jules Verheesen (Maastricht, 2025-01-22)
I firmly believe that the decisions made were unfair, inefficient and contradicting to the university policies.Igor Partcei (Maaatricht, 2025-01-22)
Participation in decision-making through the CMR should never be discriminatory. These students were officially elected. Offering English-language programmes means embracing inclusivity and diversity. Find solutions, this is what interpreters and translators are for :-)Marjan Van Diepenbeek (Maastricjt, 2025-01-22)
Especially in the current times, I find a similar action by an educational institution ethically inappropriate. It is not in line with what we at IB, and I dare say at Zuyd, stand for. If I look at my international colleagues and students, I am almost ashamed that I am Dutch and that this happened. We live in a time and environment in which there are enough opportunities to overcome language barriers. Let us then also search for that together.Mieke Munten (Wijlre, 2025-01-22)
Ik vind het belangrijk dat Zuyd zich als een inclusieve organisatie ook inclusief opstelt in een belangrijk orgaan als de centrale medezeggenschapsorgaan. De taalbarrières hoeven niet onoverkomelijk te zijn als er bereidheid is van twee kanten om het te proberen met alle moderne tools die tegenwoordig beschikbaar zijn.Yvette Froeling (Olne, 2025-01-22)
As an student who attends to international business. I think its unacceptable to remove someone from the CMR based on a simple thing as a language barrier that could be resolved very easily. True this action you disregard the whole study programs of international business and European law.Jasper Letsch (Heerlen, 2025-01-22)
Let the first outcome of your term in this council not be the silencing of others. You can do better.I believe in the values of inclusivity and fair representation. I call for a commitment to ensure that all students and staff, regardless of their language or background, have an equal voice in our university's governance. Language proficiency should never be a reason for exclusion. This is reinforced by the professional attitude of these students who have clearly communicated to provide solutions themselves regarding the language issue before their instatement but were not even given this opportunity.
Eefje Willems (Maastricht, 2025-01-22)
I agree what is stated in the petition. It’s key to be inclusive, cooperative towards each other and fair.Manon Niesten (Veldwezelt, 2025-01-22)
Inclusief onderwijsGino van Strijdonck (Valkenburg, 2025-01-22)
See above, why this mattersVivian Heijmans (Maastricht, 2025-01-22)
It is simply outrageous that a university with quite a large number of international students (if I remember correctly about 40%) does not allow for them to be represented! This has to be fixed ASAP!Hristiyan Ikiev (Hoensbroek, 2025-01-22)
The CMR should represent the organization's students, workers, and staff. This is not the case in this situation. I don't feel represented anymore, either.theo ploeg (heerlen, 2025-01-23)
Ik onderteken de petitie, omdat ik sta voor inclusie en ik deze situatie totaal onbegrijpelijk en onacceptabel vind in een organisatie als de onze.Bianca Beckers (Landgraaf, 2025-01-23)
Zuyd wil inclusive Euregionaal instituut zijn. Het uitsluiten van mensen hoort hier niet bij.Jeanine Hermans (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
I am signing this petition as I find it quite shocking that the CMR has so blatantly disregarded the results of a democratic election. I fully support the arguments laid out in the petition.En nu in het Nederlands voor de leden van de CMR:
Ik onderteken deze petitie omdat ik het behoorlijk schokkend vind dat de CMR de resultaten van democratische verkiezingen zo schaamteloos heeft genegeerd. Ik sta volledig achter de argumenten die in het verzoekschrift worden uiteengezet.
Sarah Fairweather (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
'We zetten jou altijd voorop'! Laten we deze belofte ook echt doorleven. Iedereen moet zich gehoord, gesteund en thuis voelen bij Zuyd.Olivier Segers (Maaseik, 2025-01-23)
If the elected representatives were indeed discriminated against based solely on the fact that they do not speak Dutch at C1 level, than they should be reinstated forthwith. Any University of Applied Sciences operating in the Euroregion should be ashamed if democratically elected representatives of the student body - representing a diverse and inclusive population - was excluded solely on the basis of outdated concepts and traits.Raoul Boers (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
Because i believe that it is just unfair that international students and teachers can't have a say in the CMR of Zuyd because they are also our students and our teachers. This decision to ban international students and teachers is just undemocratic and unfair.Fabio Tugulu (Heerlen, 2025-01-23)
Als we inclusiviteit en eerlijke representatie van onze studenten belangrijk vinden, verdienen uiteraard ook onze internationale studenten een plek in onze medezeggenschap. Daar kan geen enkele twijfel over bestaan. Zuyd biedt programma's aan voor internationale studenten, ze hebben exact dezelfde rechten als alle andere studenten in onze instelling en kunnen niet op basis van een taalbarrière uit een medezeggenschap verwijderd worden. Er zijn voldoende oplossingen beschikbaar om dit voor iedereen mogelijk te maken.Joris Boonen (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
DIT is NIET inclusie!!Katrin B (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
The more the merrier. If students are already positively involved, why shut them out? Let's be happy that communities with motivated students and let's not focus on non-existent problems.In short: Sounds like classic bureaucratic bullshit to me ('stierenpoep' voor degenen die moeite hebben met Engels)
Dave Krapels (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
I am signing because I find it aphalling that students are being excluded because they are not Dutch. Zuyd preaches all about diversity, but with actions like this, shows that it is not even close.Anne van Loo (Eys, 2025-01-23)
I sign because I believe that international course representatives should also be able to shape and impact the institution just as much as dutch students. They were properly elected with quite a high amount of votes and disregarding them without proposing any compromise or temporary solution is more than unjust. Such behaviour from the institution borderline goes against the idea of democracy.It is important that this issue gets talked about and resolved. This is not inclusive and encouraging to the people who try to make a positive change for the institution itself, which facilitates both non-dutch AND dutch students.
Jaroslav Sloup (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
I signed because I believe inclusivity and democracy should be non-negotiable. Taking certain rights away based on nationality and spoken language is unthinkable, especially from a university that not only has English-taught programs but also promotes equality, inclusivity, and diversity. It showcases an outdated way of thinking and overall downgrades the university's image.Ana Grigore (Valkenburg, 2025-01-23)
Alle studenten verdienen representatie. Zuyd Hogeschool heeft internationale studenten, dus moeten zij ook vertegenwoordigd zijn. Staat ook zo in Zuyd's PR, alles studenten welkom. De studenten zijn ook democratisch gekozen. Lijkt mij dat ze meer dan geschikt zijn voor het CMR.Cassidy Maclear (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
ik onderteken omdat ik geloof dat taal geen obstakel mag zijn voor leiderschap en representatie. Als internationale student brengt hij een unieke en waardevolle kijk op onze opleiding, iets wat juist bijdraagt aan diversiteit en inclusie. Zijn inzet, ideeën en vermogen om te verbinden met anderen zijn veel belangrijker dan zijn taalvaardigheid in het Nederlands.miran jaf (maastricht, 2025-01-23)
Deze studenten zijn democratisch gekozen. Zij vertegenwoordigen een hele groep studenten. Als ze de Nederlandse taal niet voldoende spreken, kan er vast naar een praktische oplossing gezocht worden, lijkt mij. Maak bijvoorbeeld gebruik van de tolk/vertalers in opleiding bij de Vertaalacademie.Yolanda Remmel (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
Ik ben lid van de Cur com van IC&TFloris Wijlacker (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
Zuyd makes 5 promises to students, according to Zuyd's intranet. Promise 5: "We always put you first. Zuyd stands for a close-knit environment, full of inspiration and motivation. We want employees and students to be themselves. The atmosphere is familiar, open and safe. Gender equality, diversity and inclusion are important to us. Everyone belongs." Did the CMR read this?Martine Prins (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
I really found Vitos ideas valuable and important.Youssef Hani (Heerlen, 2025-01-23)
I am signing this petition because I find the treatment of Giuseppe and Vito both disrespectful and unacceptable. As a European Studies student myself, I know them personally and can attest to their hard work and dedication. They are exemplary students who absolutely deserve their place in this process.I personally voted for Giuseppe and firmly believe he has the qualities to represent students effectively. The European Studies community has full trust in him, and excluding students in such an unjust and abrupt manner is completely unacceptable.
This initiative was actively promoted in my class and among many international students. To remove them in this way reflects poorly on Zuyd Hogeschool and undermines the integrity of the process. It’s a disgrace!
Yeva Haivoronska (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
This is an important matter. We run an international.programme in an international student environment in the city of Maastricht. We strongly support inclusion and diversity, excluding these elected people from participating in the CMR would be a shame.Saskia Valk (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
Diversity mattersIsabelle Winkel (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
Het is belnagrijkMalwina Zajad (Oostrum, 2025-01-23)
Taal geen barriere moet zijn.Anoek Bressers (Maastricht, 2025-01-23)
I agree 100% with this petition and think Zuyd should know and act better.Milana Azie (Wijnandsrade, 2025-01-23)
Ik vind dat niemand uitgesloten zou mogen worden op basis van taal, etniciteit, gender, etc. Deze personen zijn bovendien democratisch verkozen.Hilde Hanegreefs (Scherpenheuvel, 2025-01-23)