Op locatie tentamens maken kan, maar niet veilig



Ik teken deze petitie, omdat voor maanden lang we nu verplicht tentamen op de universiteit hebben. Ik voel me daar gewoon niet veilig, veel studenten volgen de quarantaine regels niet als ze een tentamen hebben. Ook wordt vaak niet de anderhalve meter regel gevolgd.

Nicolien Boekhoudt (Hengelo, 2021-02-08)


Lack of flexibility regarding presence in the Netherlands has been bothering me as well. And the most affected are foreign students and employees. Being one of them, I would like to see some change in the system.

Rupsa Basu (Enschede, 2021-02-08)


Taking phisical exams is risky due to Covid-19 disease.

Eduard Balanici (Enschede, 2021-02-08)


I don't feel safe having exams on campus

Yiannis Vithoulkas (Enschede , 2021-02-08)


I'm signing because the exams require me to go to university via public transportation, which brings me into contact with many people. Also during the tests there are 100+ people in one room, which isn't safe. Additionally, I am sick because of a weak immune system, so I often cannot attend the physical exams, forcing me to go for the resits.

Nathan van Daal (Hengelo, 2021-02-08)


I dont want to put myself under risk

Emir Yarligan (Enschede, 2021-02-08)


I have the aamw aituation with exams and i am not happy with current solution of the university

Alby Shynkar (Enschede, 2021-02-08)


Het onveilig is om een tentamen te maken, en bovendien moet ik ook nog met de trein om bij de tentamen te komen

Eliza Stel (Nijverdal, 2021-02-08)


1,5 meter wordt niet nageleefd, studenten lopen superveel studievertraging op. Met de technologie van tegenwoordig moet thuis tentamens maken heel makkelijk kunnen.

Hanneke Goud (Enschede, 2021-02-08)


Omdat ik al mijn tentames op campus heb, zelfs de meerkeuze ONLINE tentames moet je voor naar de campus komen. En ja we worden naar verschillende lokalen gestuurd, maar dan moeten we alsnog zo ver mogelijk naar achteren doorlopen en aansluiten waardoor iedereen alsnog dicht opeen ziet. Als er maar 1 student is die denkt dat een loopneusje/hoestbui niet zo erg is zijn er meteen een hele boel mensen besmet.

Linde Voskamp (Enschede, 2021-02-08)


Im a student and i do NOT agree with the university. I want to either be fully at uni or not at all! I do not want to risk getting sick as i am at risk.

Bb Mo (Enschede, 2021-02-09)


I am worried about my safety

Ravey Atia (Enschedr, 2021-02-09)


I’m an international student at the UT, and it is completely unacceptable to leave us all day at home attending lectures with the lockdown situation that’s going on and only make exams physically.

Omar Abdelmaksoud (Enschede, 2021-02-09)


Exams should be taken in safety, just like the online lectures (Online), or exams should be postponed

Omar Fadhil (Enschede, 2021-02-09)


Because I am an international student that is from Spain. I am currently out of the country and once I come to the Netherlands I will take all the me dessert measures. But even if I know that I am Covid free, I don’t know if the other people in the room are so I will not feel safe. At the same time, I find it I unresponsible from the uni to make us do normal exams when you the number of Covid cases is high

Victoria Kremer (L Ametlla del Valles, 2021-02-09)


I agree that the exams should be online because there is still too much risk

Zohal Alikouzay (Enschede, 2021-02-09)


Why can more than a hundred people be crammed into one small room for an exam that only worth a couple of EC, but can no-one (not even the exam committee or close relatives) attend a master colloquium, even if it is hosted in one of the theatres of the Vrijhof?

Peter van der Wal (Enschede, 2021-02-10)


Veiligheid is serieus in het geding. Studenten staan onder druk doordat de basisbeurs is afgeschaft, én voor velen is het bijbaantje ook niet mogelijk op dit moment. Die blijven echt niet thuis (vertraging oplopen) bij milde klachten.

Rick Fontein (Enschede, 2021-02-10)


The lockdown is getting extended and extended more strict regulations are being placed. More and more people are getting infected. Why do we need to risks all of ours and families health just to Keep studying. Online studying is not the same level as in person studying. Why do the exams need to be the same level then. We paying still as much tuition for not using our faculties which we cannot use there has to be a solution that keeps us safe. And it is not safe with 100 people in one room all put into one corner while no one says anything about people not wearing masks.

Luisa Rensing (Enschede , 2021-02-10)

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