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#7526 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-08-15 14:56#7525: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Waarom verft jij zijn haren blond, als hij grijs is? |
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#7527 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-08-15 14:57"Als je als juwelier steeds beroofd wordt schiet je de rovers dood." Zoals jij het zegt is het geen zelfverdediging , maar moord. |
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#7528 Think Before You Share2014-08-15 15:02A friend on Facebook uncritically shared a piece of crazy the other day. I know, your friends do, too. But here’s the thing: This friend is a normal. He’s not one of those once-rational legacy friends from high school you would never befriend today who litter your feed with nonsense. He knows that the Earth orbits the sun, that evolution provides the best explanation for the diversity of life, that our planet is warming up. He has spiritual, political, and artistic views, but he doesn’t think any of them take the place of factual reality. He’s a photojournalist and a fine one, a fine citizen, and a fine man. And on Facebook he shared a mind-alteringly unmoored conspiracy video about the Sept. 11 attacks, adding: “Not saying yes or no ... but this is interesting!” It was not interesting. What he shared was this video, from a conservative, crazy website called TellMeNow.com, titled, “VIDEO PROOF Showing No Planes Hit The WTC On 9/11.” You can predict the rest. My friend is a normal, I thought. What on earth can this video show that gets over the bar with sufficient clearance that my normal friend would share it? Plus, you know—deadlines, procrastination, reality. So of course I watched the video. It’s 2:18 long, and it makes basically one claim: that a video of the second plane crashing into the World Trade Center’s south tower shows the plane passing a building that, says the voice on the video, is “clearly behind the south tower.” Yet the plane’s wing disappears behind the building. According to the person who made the video, this is indisputable evidence of a “layering CGI glitch” (note the technical language), and thus the whole thing is obviously a hoax, something, something government control, media conspiracy, blah blah blah. The video was originally posted May 27. When last I checked, it had more than 2.5 million hits. When something is stupid beyond imagination, I know what to do: Walk away. Yet I couldn’t let it go. For one thing, my friend’s Facebook post was filling up with annoyed responses from his many other normal friends, and I kept thinking: How many hours have been wasted today by usually productive people who could have otherwise been … watching cat videos or something? I get that people can waste their time how they like, and freedom of speech means you can publish and share any addled, paranoid rant, but 2.5 million hits is 2.5 million wastes of 2:18. That’s 5 million minutes. That’s closing in on 100,000 hours that people spent watching this hooey. I finally figured out why the pure wrongness of this particular waste of time wouldn’t let me go: Not that it was crazy, but that it was so provably—so easily provably—wrong. Global warming? That involves big data, statistics, and debates about weather versus climate, and there’s plenty of room for genuinely well-meaning people to fall into error. Evolution? Even most people who claim to understand it can’t clearly explain it, and you can forgive a certain amount of confusion. It’s frustrating having to argue about things like evolution and climate change, but it’s the cost of doing business in a world where everyone gets to talk, not just people who know what they’re talking about. But this? This was making a very specific claim: The airplane magically disappeared behind a building that was behind the tower when we know the airplane was in frontof the tower. This was a disprovable claim. It took me about 10 minutes. The most obvious way for a plane’s wing to “disappear” behind a building would be for the building to be not behind the plane, as the narrator claims, but in front of it. A glance at Google Maps showed blocks’ worth of buildings south of where the tower stood. The video shows a distinctive archway atop a foreground building, with the building in question sporting three easily identifiable vertical elements at its apex. I couldn’t find a good street view in Google Maps, so I opened Google Earth. In the time it took me to zoom down to lower Manhattan and look at the very first block north of Battery Park, there it was: that distinctive arch at the top of the building (circled in blue in the photo) and, behind it in the same block, the unmistakable vertical elements of the building (circled in red in the photo) behind which the wing “disappeared.” That is, it disappeared exactly the way you disappear when you step behind a tree: The building came between the camera and the airplane. The building is a good six blocks south of the tower—in front of it, not behind it. The single supposed fact on which the video based its 2 million–hit paranoid parade was provably wrong, in minutes. A dope was wrong on the Internet, and I proved it. Whoopee, big deal. Except it kind of is a big deal. For one thing, it demonstrates that all this quackery we waste so much time on is not stupid—it’s wicked. The person who made this video is either incredibly ignorant about basic, school-kid geography and geometry or he didn’t care that his claim was false. He was just stirring up trouble by telling lies. I later found the original video from which the snippet was sliced. Most of the video makes it impossible to believe the buildings in question are behind the south tower as he claims. He was wicked—pure and simple. And 2 million–plus people have wasted time because of it. This isn’t free speech—this is slander, making vicious claims about media and government that are demonstrably false. It’s a form of sabotage—a piece like this injures community, productivity, and trust. It’s unpatriotic, even seditious. But even that isn’t the main problem. We all know there are people out there, simultaneously stupid and wicked, who tell lies to further vicious agendas. The main problem is that people like my friend give a genial shrug and forward things like this. If that one sensible person had not shared the video, I’d probably be blissfully unaware of it. There’d be a dozen or so fewer hits on its page, and I and a few others would have gotten a little more work done. My point is straightforward but urgent: This is the front line against viciousness and madness and anti-science and anti-reason. When people post slanderous, malevolent lies, if you forward them without censure, then you are abetting slanderous, malevolent lies. Forget that line on so many people’s Twitter page about retweets not constituting endorsement. Sorry, wrong. If you share something on any social medium, you’re saying, overtly, that you approve of it being shared. That you think it’s worth people’s time. That its point is either valid or worthy of consideration. We need to adopt a new ethic. The entire point of the Internet is that anything can be put out there, without research or editing or fact-checking. That means every one of us is responsible for fact-checking our feeds, and crying foul when we see a foul. You share it, you stand behind it. Seeing something vaguely worth wondering about (if you don’t think about it too hard), then pressing share, is a losing strategy. You’re not allowed to turn off your judgment, even for a second. You’re not allowed to shrug and say, “Who knows?” and let someone else worry about it. That’s how we got into this mess. So think—and above all check—before you share. If it’s a lie, by perpetuating it you claim at least a portion of the responsibility. Think about it. We don’t have 2 million hits a week to spare.
Michel SF |
#7529 Steun petitie tegen antisemitisme.2014-08-15 15:04Steun deze landelijke petitie door te volgen en te tekenen.Stop antisemitisme. |
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#7530 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-08-15 15:10welnee dat is uw interpretatie. Ik vind het heerlijk dat die twee dood zijn, het is tuig minder op de wereld. |
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#7531 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-08-15 15:13Het waren jouw woorden, niet de mijne. Ik 'interpreteer' niets. |
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#7532 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-08-15 15:13heerlijk dat die twee dood zijn |
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#7533 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-08-15 15:14Het feit dat jij het "heerlijk" vindt dat mensen dood zijn, zegt méér dan genoeg. Wie is nu tuig?
Let op, komt de jij-bak weer.
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#7534 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-08-15 15:14 |
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#7535 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-08-15 15:15#7534: - Re: jij Taddaaa! |
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#75362014-08-15 15:15De juweliersvrouw is een heldin |
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#7537 Re:2014-08-15 15:17#7536: - De juweliersvrouw is een heldin In jouw gedegenereerde ogen, ja. |
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#7538 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-08-15 15:18#7532: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: heerlijk dat die twee dood zijn En wat zeg jij dan nu anders dan de IS-verheerlijkers? |
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#7539 'Anti-IS-betoging verplaatsen is capitulatie'2014-08-15 15:29DEN HAAG (ANP) - Een demonstratie tegen de radicale (IS)IS-terreurgroep moet in de Schilderswijk plaatshebben of anders niet doorgaan, stelt PVV-leider Geert Wilders. Een andere locatie kiezen is ,,meegaan met de ISIS-capitulatie van lafaard Van Aartsen’’. |
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#7540 Re: 'Anti-IS-betoging verplaatsen is capitulatie'2014-08-15 15:30#7539: - 'Anti-IS-betoging verplaatsen is capitulatie' Eerst trekt Poederpruik zich al terug, omdat 'zijn bewaking het waarschijnlijk niet goed zal vinden' als hij meeloopt. Nu trekt de Suikertaart zijn keutel al weer in, door zich af te vragen of het wel een demonstratie is, als hij alleen loopt. Over lafaards gesproken. |
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#7541 Re: Think Before You Share2014-08-15 15:31#7528: - Think Before You Share My point is straightforward but urgent: This is the front line against viciousness and madness and anti-science and anti-reason. When people post slanderous, malevolent lies, if you forward them without censure, then you are abetting slanderous, malevolent lies. Forget that line on so many people’s Twitter page about retweets not constituting endorsement. Sorry, wrong. If you share something on any social medium, you’re saying, overtly, that you approve of it being shared. That you think it’s worth people’s time. That its point is either valid or worthy of consideration. I couldn't have said it better. Thank you. Many times, the people sharing 'complot' theories ignore that they are flaming the nonsense. There will always be one or two (or more) people in the audience who will believe the rumors as true and hel spreading it, resulting in mass hysteria. |
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#7542 Vernieler camera Haagse betoging opgepakt2014-08-15 15:32DEN HAAG (ANP) - De politie heeft vrijdag een 29-jarige Hagenaar aangehouden die verdacht wordt van het vernielen van een camera van een journalist. Dat gebeurde tijdens de demonstratie van zondag op de Hoefkade in Den Haag. |
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#7543 'Geen sprake van verbod, maar van voorwaarde'2014-08-15 15:35DEN HAAG (ANP) - Het besluit van burgemeester Jozias van Aartsen om voorlopig geen demonstraties in de Haagse Schilderswijk toe te staan is geen absoluut verbod, maar een voorwaarde. Potentiële betogers kunnen immers nog wel in andere wijken hun mening uiten. Daarop wijst Otto Adang, lector openbare orde en gevaarbeheersing van de Politieacademie in Apeldoorn. |
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#7544 Re: Re: Think Before You Share2014-08-15 15:40#7541: - Re: Think Before You Share You're welcome. This article merely underlines what I said before: always ask yourself "Is this really true?". And as the article says, if you're not entirely sure that what you are spreading is really true, you may well be spreading a vicious and damaging lie. Unintentionally, perhaps, but nonetheless. |
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#75452014-08-15 16:15 |
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#75482014-08-15 17:54jou ook, we zullen je niet missen. |
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#7549 As ISIS closes in, is it game over for Syria's opposition in Aleppo?2014-08-15 18:15Editor's note: Charles Lister is a visiting fellow at the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar, where his work focuses particularly on terrorism and insurgency in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. He is writing a book on the jihadist insurgency in Syria. Follow him on Twitter@Charles_Lister. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author. (CNN) -- The fate of Syria's Western-backed opposition hangs on a knife edge in the northern part of the war-torn country -- and with radical Sunni militants and regime forces closing in on them from all sides, time may be running out. At least six villages north of Syria's largest city of Aleppo fell Wednesday to militants from ISIS, according to AFP. The jihadist group has seized large swathes of land in Iraq and consolidated control over considerable territory in northeastern Syria in the past year. ISIS fighters are now just 30 miles from the rebel-controlled northern suburbs of Aleppo and within striking distance of key opposition positions leading to the Turkish border. The situation for the opposition may be even worse inside Aleppo city, where forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad are gaining ground after a brutal months-long campaign against opposition forces. With the radical Sunni fighters bearing down on them from the north, and troops loyal to President Assad retaking Aleppo neighborhood by neighborhood from the south and west, Syria's beleaguered rebels are facing an existential threat. Since November 2013, the Syrian government has executed a concerted offensive on opposition-controlled areas of Aleppo city. Intensive and horrifically destructive barrel bombs have flattened the urban environment in which opposition insurgents had thrived, and forced thousands of civilians to flee. The military has followed air bombardment with methodical but effective ground incursions that, over time, have enabled it to re-capture territory and force a rebel retreat to the city's northern districts. As such, the opposition is now in its weakest position in Aleppo city since mid-2012. ISIS burst onto the scene in Syria in April 2013 and by December it had successfully established an expansive territorial presence across northern Syria, including in Aleppo governorate. But a sustained rebel offensive in January of this year forced ISIS to withdraw from the northwestern governorates of Latakia and Idlib and much of Aleppo, with the exception of three main towns in Aleppo's northeast: Al-Bab, Manbij and Jarablus. The rebels in Aleppo fighting to topple Assad and beat back ISIS' advance have long been a melting pot of different groups, including various Free Syrian Army (FSA) units, the al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, and the Islamic Front (IF). While core moderate FSA-linked factions benefitted from an influx of Western support in late 2013 to facilitate their anti-ISIS offensive in January, this support has since dwindled. A principal Aleppo-based beneficiary of this support, Jaish al-Mujahideen, has since become a shadow of its former self. The U.S. has leaned heavily on Gulf states to reduce their support of Islamist and Salafist groups in Syria, which has damaged the IF's capacity to operate as a unified and effective coalition. In Aleppo specifically, IF's main group, Liwa al-Tawhid, has also suffered from debilitating internal divisions and defections. At the same time, the Assad regime's advances in Aleppo city and elsewhere have induced Jabhat al-Nusra -- a long-time ally of Syria's opposition, until recently -- to shift much of its resources west into Idlib governorate. As such, the principal defenders of areas of Aleppo still under opposition control today are a wide array of moderate FSA factions, some of whom still receive limited military support from the West, and members of the fading IF, most of whom are from the Aleppo area. These groups have borne the brunt of fighting ISIS while also facing a sustained Syrian military assault. Both of these offensives have combined to leave Aleppo critically vulnerable. But although regime advances in Aleppo city are extremely significant, the most immediate threat comes from ISIS and its rapid advance north of the city. Controlling Dabiq, one of the villages that AFP reported was seized Wednesday, is already extremely symbolic for ISIS, whose official magazine is named after the town for its role in the hadith -- the teachings, deeds, and sayings of the Prophet Mohammed -- as the site of a major battle before the end of the world. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who founded ISIS' precursor group, once said the capture of Dabiq would represent the first step towards conquering "Constantinople" and "Rome." With those villages in hand, ISIS now seems likely to move forward on two primary fronts -- northwest towards Sawran and eventually Azaz and southwest to Liwa al-Tawhid's stronghold in Marea. If ISIS moves on Sawran and then captured Azaz, it will cut rebels off from a critical supply line into Turkey via Bab al-Salamah and could arguably spell the end for an effective opposition in Aleppo. Losing Marea to ISIS would prove a crippling blow for Liwa al-Tawhid, whose founder and former leader Abdulqader Saleh was from the town. It would likely enable ISIS to continue towards Anadan and Hreitan, immediately north of opposition-controlled districts of Aleppo city, and cut off any remaining rebel forces there. Eventually, this would also open a route towards the former ISIS towns of Darat Izza and Al-Dana to the west in Idlib governorate, where ISIS could threaten what would then be the last remaining border crossing with Turkey at Bab al-Hawa. Late on Wednesday, while mosques in Marea issued calls for a general mobilization to defend against the expected ISIS assault, civilians and rebels stockpiled food and supplies in the case of a siege, according to people I spoke to in the town. What will ISIS do if, as now seems inevitable, it captures these towns? The group has named their Aleppo offensive "Operation Revenge for the Women's Purity," a reference to allegations made by ISIS fighters that opposition groups had kidnapped and raped their wives during the anti-ISIS push in January. Such accusations would therefore seem likely to engender brutal acts of ISIS retribution in the coming days. There's no escaping the fact that the opposition's prospects in Aleppo look grim. While a 9-month-old U.S.-led strategy of uniting and arming core elements of the moderate opposition has demonstrated success in Idlib, it is far from certain that Aleppo can be saved. Moreover, if ISIS was eventually to succeed in threatening, or worse cutting off, both the Bab al-Salamah and Bab al-Hawa crossings with Turkey, the sustainability of a powerful moderate opposition in northern Syria would face an existential threat. The fate of Aleppo in the coming days, therefore, carries with it the future of Syria's military opposition in its fight against the Assad regime and an ever-expanding ISIS.
http://edition.cnn.com/2014/08/15/opinion/syria-aleppo-isis-threat/index.html?hpt=hp_c1 |
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#7550 Re:2014-08-15 19:33Volgens ons zullen wij u niet missen maar dat weet u al een tijdje. U bent een stakker. Een jodenhater. |
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