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/ #16022015-11-18 19:40ISIS baffled why refugees are fleeing Middle East and BEGS them to returnISLAMIC STATE (ISIS) has released a whining film questioning why people are fleeing the Middle East to Europe instead of joining their so-called Caliphate.The crazed Islamists created the slickly-produced footage in a bid to stem the huge numbers of terrified people fleeing from the lands they have captured. In desperation they even urge people who have made the journey to return to the Middle East from "crusader" nations in Europe, bragging: “We have phones, internet and cars — where are you going?” In four seperate propaganda videos Islamic State fighters show heavily-edited shots of peaceful cornfields and bustling markets packed with fruit and vegetables which they say represent life inside the Caliphate. They juxtapose those with images of refugees abandoning a sinking dinghy and lying on train tracks in Greece, claiming that Europe is "humiliating" migrants. Amongst the images used to dissuade people from making the journey to Europe is the heartbreaking picture of toddler Aylan Kurdi lying on a Turkish beach. The three-year-old's family were fleeing the death and destruction ISIS has wrought in their home city of Kobane. The terror group has even put up billboards in Syria showing a picture of a life-jacket next to one of a bomb vest, accompanied by the question: "What would you rather wear on judgement day?" This billboard in Syria asks people 'what would you rather wear on judgement day?'
In the film an unidentified ISIS militant warns that the lure of a better life in Europe is a "crusader deception", adding: “In the refugee camps they are stealing your money and exploiting you.” The videos warn Syrians against fleeing “territories of Islam” for “territories of the infidels,” and says that those who do will be punished by the Prophet Muhammad. One jihadist tweeted: “The land of the caliphate should be more important for you than the crusaders #where_are_you_heading_refugees?” ISIS claims the images were filmed in the city of Homs, in Syria, which has in truth been almost totally destroyed by the country's bitter civil war. More than four million refugees have fled Syria since 2011, with many making a desperate bid to escape the cruel clutches of ISIS. The terror group, known for its ritual beheadings, oppressive Sharia Law regimes and rapist militants, has been making inroads into the country despite resistance from Syrian rebels and forces loyal to incumbent president Bashar al-Assad.
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