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/ #2683 Het ware gezicht van Extreem Rechts

2015-12-06 20:32

Dutch crap fascist media


Sheeple-paper ‘Metro’ – chances are that if you have even been only for 10 minutes in our nutsyland that you have already encountered dozens of this ‘newspaper’ – is part of the ‘United Dutch Hate Spreaders’ i.e. the ‘Telegraaf Media Groep’. Just like hate-mongers’ media ‘Geen Stijl’ and ‘POWNed’.

(The latter being the broadcastingcompany of nutsyland’s foremost assh0le Jan Bennink,  whose corebusiness it is to harass, under the pretext of “journalism”, innocent people who can hardly or not at all defend themselves against these dirty practices.  Sometimes people even wind up in hospital with a heartattack after a visit by this modern version of the SA).

So, even if you would want to (and you would want to if you are a civilized, decent person) you cannot ignore the hatred these criminals of words are spreading, if only because of the sheer numbers of their editions.

However, back to ‘Metro’ and to be more specific: to its handbook.

Rule # 1: If a person of islamic religion (or being suspected thereof) expresses threatening statements: front page, capital letters and emphasize that it is a muslim or they are muslims! Print bold!

Rule # 2: If a white-as-sour-cream Dutch cheese head expresses threats or hatred towards people of muslim origin: do not mention it, or if that is not possible, play it down by using harmless and/or endearing qualifications like ‘poldergekkies’ (nutties from the polder’).

End of handbook of ‘Metro’, proud member of the ‘United Dutch Hate Spreaders’.